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Adoption Application

Thank you for your interest in a 4PAR pet. Please fill out this form and we will get back to you as soon as possible, Please tell us what PET you are interested in.

Which pet are you interested in?*


Physical Address of Applicant*



Preferred phone*

Email address

Are you at least 21 years of age?*

Please describe your home:


If other, explain

Fenced yard?*

If fenced, type, height

Outdoor kennels?

Do you live with your parents?*

Do you rent?*

Have you checked with your landlord or HOA to see if there are any restrictions in owning a pet?

How long have you lived at this address?*

Are you planning on moving soon?*

How many people reside at your address?*

Ages of children?

Ages of grandchildren?

Does anyone have allergies to animals?*

Is this pet a gift for anyone?*

If this pet is a gift, advise to whom

Where will you keep this pet during the day?*

At night?*

Have you considered the costs involved in owning a pet?*

Are you able and willing to pay for shots, veterinary exams and treatments, if needed?*

Do you have a preferred veterinarian?*

If so, Who

Domestic pets can live longer than 18 years. If, for health reasons, you can no longer care for your pet, who will?

What provisions will you make when you go on vacations?*

With what pet behaviors are you UNWILLING to work??*

Are you willing to attend obedience classes with your pet?*

What food are you currently using?*

Are you willing to pay a little extra for premium food?

Which food brand will you buy?

Tell us about the pets your family has owned in the last five years, include species, breed, age, sex and if altered.*

Do you still own any of them?*

If not, explain

DOGS: What breed/size of dog do you feel would work best in your family?

What gender/age of dog are you interested?

How many hours a day will the dog be left alone?

How will you exercise your dog?

CATS: What type of cat do you feel would work best in your family?

For what gender/age of cat are you looking?

What do you like about cats?

Would you DECLAW a cat?

Where did you first hear about or see this 4PAR animal? (4PAR website, Petfinder, Adopt-A-Pet, Rescue Me, AllPaws, Facebook, Instagram, RVHA, Other)*

Your name below is considered your signature

You certify that all above information will be found true to the best of your knowledge and any misrepresentation of any facts on your behalf may result in denail of adoption. You understand that an authorized representative of Four Peaks Foundation dba Four Peaks Animal Rescue may contact you in the future to follow up on the success of this adoption. You also acknowledge and understand completely that all pets are the sole property of Four Peaks Foundation dba Four Peaks Animal Rescue. I UNDERSTAND THAT FILLING OUT HIS APPLICATION DOES NOT GUARANTEE YOU A PET. YOU UNDERSTAND THAT THERE MAY BE A 24 HOUR CONSIDERATION PERIOD AND HOME INSPECTION. YOU UNDERSTAND THAT THE PLACEMENT OF EVERY ANIMAL IS AT THE DISCRETION OF FOUR PEAKS FOUNDATION DBA FOUR PEAKS ANIMAL RESCUE. You authorize investigation of all statements you have provided in this application. You acknowledge that this application is the property of Four Peaks Foundation dba Four Peaks Animal Rescue. You also agree that the adoption fee is NON-REFUNDABLE. THANK YOU!

Name (considered your signature)*


Name of 4PAR adoption counselor

Comments, if any:

Four Peaks Foundation dba Four Peaks Animal Rescue is a 501 (c) (3) Non-Profit Organization.
All animals are seen by appointment only.
Call Us:

10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Mailing Address:
28150 N. Alma School Rd.
PMB# 103-470
Scottsdale, AZ 85262
E-mail Us:
(please include phone #)
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